KF Reagents Database
Please note!
Same type reagents from different brands are not copies! They are NOT the same. If you would like to know the differencies between them, watch my training “KF Reagents: Cross-References“.
Reagents group | Reagent type | Reagent brand | Reagent number and name |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | VWR | 85472 Coulometry Reagent A |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | ROTI®Hydroquant (Carl Roth) | 9957 Karl Fischer ROTI®Hydroquant coulo A |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | Aquagent® (Scharlau/Scharlab) | AQ0018 Aquagent® Coulometric A |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | Aqualine™ (Fisher Chemical) | K/2500 Aqualine™ Electrolyte A (AL2500) |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | Aqualine™ (Fisher Chemical) | K/2510 Aqualine™ Electrolyte AD |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | Hi-Dry® KF (Romil) | K3087 Karl Fischer electrolyte AP Hi-Dry® KF |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | HydroSpec™ (Ricca Chemical Company) | RK150000 HydroSpec™ Coulometric AG-C |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | AQUAMICRON® (Mitsubishi) | SAMA AQUAMICRON® AS |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform and xylene | HYDROQUANT® (Biosolve) | 087848 HYDROQUANT®Oil |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform and xylene | WaveTrace™ (Quveon) | 17145 WaveTrace™ Coulometric AGR-Oil |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform and xylene | HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) | 34868 HYDRANAL™-Coulomat Oil |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform and xylene | Watermark® (GFS Chemicals) | 5202 WATERMARK® KARL FISCHER COULOMETRIC VESSEL SOLUTION for OILS |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform and xylene | ERBAqua® (Carlo Erba) | 570171 Karl Fischer anolyte solution for oils RS – ERBAqua |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform and xylene | VWR | 85477 Coulometry Reagent OIL |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform and xylene | ROTI®Hydroquant (Carl Roth) | 9960 Karl Fischer ROTI®Hydroquant coulo oil |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform and xylene | Aquagent® (Scharlau/Scharlab) | AQ0025 Aquagent® Coulometric Oil |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform and xylene | Hi-Dry® KF (Romil) | K3072 Karl Fischer electrolyte AF Hi-Dry® KF |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform and xylene | HydroSpec™ (Ricca Chemical Company) | RK160000 HydroSpec™ Coulometric AG Oil |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte without chloroform, with long-chain alcohols | HYDROQUANT® (Biosolve) | 092648 HYDROQUANT®AG-H |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte without chloroform, with long-chain alcohols | Watermark® (GFS Chemicals) | 1607 WATERMARK® KARL FISCHER COULOMETRIC VESSEL SOLUTION, CFC FREE |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte without chloroform, with long-chain alcohols | WaveTrace™ (Quveon) | 16138 WaveTrace™ Coulometric AHR |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte without chloroform, with long-chain alcohols | HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) | 34843 HYDRANAL™-Coulomat AG-H |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte without chloroform, with long-chain alcohols | ERBAqua® (Carlo Erba) | 570141 Karl Fischer anolyte solution – CFC free RS – ERBAqua |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte without chloroform, with long-chain alcohols | HYDRA-POINT™ (J.T. Baker, Avantor) | 6284 HYDRA-POINT™ Coulometric Vessel Solution, CFC-free |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte without chloroform, with long-chain alcohols | VWR | 85475 Coulometry Reagent AG-H |