KF Reagents Database
Please note!
Same type reagents from different brands are not copies! They are NOT the same. If you would like to know the differencies between them, watch my training “KF Reagents: Cross-References“.
Reagents group | Reagent type | Reagent brand | Reagent number and name |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte based on methanol | HydroSpec™ (Ricca Chemical Company) | RK100000 HydroSpec™ Coulometric AG |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte based on methanol | AQUAMICRON® (Mitsubishi) | XAMA AQUAMICRON® AX |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte based on methanol | AQUAMICRON® (Mitsubishi) | XAMI AQUAMICRON® AXI |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte based on methanol | Aquastar® (Merck/MilliporeSigma) | 109255 Aquastar® CombiCoulomat frit |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte based on methanol | Aquastar® (Merck/MilliporeSigma) | 109257 Aquastar® CombiCoulomat fritless |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte based on methanol | Aquastar® (Merck/MilliporeSigma) | 188079 Aquastar® Anolyte |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte for oven | HYDROQUANT® (Biosolve) | 092748 HYDROQUANT®AG Oven |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte for oven | WaveTrace™ (Quveon) | 18411 WaveTrace™ Coulometric AGR-Oven |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte for oven | Watermark® (GFS Chemicals) | 1889 WATERMARK® KARL FISCHER COULOMETRIC VESSEL SOLUTION, OVEN |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte for oven | HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) | 34739 HYDRANAL™-Coulomat AG-Oven |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte for oven | ERBAqua® (Carlo Erba) | 570151 Karl Fischer anolyte solution, oven RS – ERBAqua |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte for oven | HYDRA-POINT™ (J.T. Baker, Avantor) | 6287 HYDRA-POINT™ Coulometric Oven Reagent |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte for oven | VWR | 85476 Coulometry Reagent A OVEN |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte for oven | AQUAMICRON® (Mitsubishi) | FLS AQUAMICRON® FLS |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte for oven | Hi-Dry® KF (Romil) | K3054 Karl Fischer electrolyte AO Hi-Dry® KF |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte for oven | HydroSpec™ (Ricca Chemical Company) | RK140000 HydroSpec™ Coulometric AG Oven |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte for oven | AQUAMICRON® (Mitsubishi) | XAMI AQUAMICRON® AXI |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | HYDROQUANT® (Biosolve) | 092448 HYDROQUANT®A |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | KEMAQUA (KEM) | 120502509 KEMAQUA Anolyte AO |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | WaveTrace™ (Quveon) | 15572 WaveTrace™ Coulometric AGR-C |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | Watermark® (GFS Chemicals) | 1612 WATERMARK® KARL FISCHER COULOMETRIC VESSEL SOLUTION, PYRIDINE-FREE |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | AQUAMETRIC® (Panreac AppliChem) | 286181 AQUAMETRIC® Coulomat A |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) | 34807 HYDRANAL™-Coulomat A |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | ERBAqua® (Carlo Erba) | 570121 Karl Fischer anolyte solution RS – ERBAqua |
Coulometric reagents | Anolyte with chloroform | HYDRA-POINT™ (J.T. Baker, Avantor) | 6280 HYDRA-POINT™ Coulometric Vessel Solution |