KF Reagents Database
Please note!
Same type reagents from different brands are not copies! They are NOT the same. If you would like to know the differencies between them, watch my training “KF Reagents: Cross-References“.
Reagents group | Reagent type | Reagent brand | Reagent number and name |
Auxiliary solvents | Xylene | HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) | 37866 HYDRANAL™-Xylene (≤0.02% water) |
Auxiliary solvents | Xylene | Hi-Dry® KF (Romil) | K8982 Xylene Hi-Dry® KF |
Auxiliary solvents | Xylene | Aquastar® (Merck/MilliporeSigma) | 108297 Xylene (isomeric mixture), for analysis EMSURE® (≤0.03% water) |