KF Reagents Database

KF Reagents Database

Please note!

Same type reagents from different brands are not copies! They are NOT the same. If you would like to know the differencies between them, watch my training “KF Reagents: Cross-References“.

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Reagents group Reagent type Reagent brand Reagent number and name
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on ethanol HYDROQUANT® (Biosolve) 092548 HYDROQUANT®E
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on ethanol HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) 34726 HYDRANAL™-Coulomat E
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on ethanol VWR 85473 Coulometry Reagent E
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol HYDROQUANT® (Biosolve) 086448 HYDROQUANT®AG
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol HYDROQUANT® (Biosolve) 092848 HYDROQUANT®AD
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol WaveTrace™ (Quveon) 11008 WaveTrace™ Coulometric AGR
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol KEMAQUA (KEM) 120502510 KEMAQUA Anolyte AGE
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol Watermark® (GFS Chemicals) 1671 WATERMARK® KARL FISCHER COULOMETRIC VESSEL SOLUTION, DIAPHRAGMLESS, CHLOROFORM-FREE
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol ROTI®Hydroquant (Carl Roth) 1KPL Karl Fischer ROTI®Hydroquant coulo AD
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol AQUAMETRIC® (Panreac AppliChem) 286180 AQUAMETRIC® Coulomat AG
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) 34433 HYDRANAL™ NEXTGEN Coulomat AG-FI
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) 34810 HYDRANAL™-Coulomat AD
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) 34836 HYDRANAL™-Coulomat AG
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol ERBAqua® (Carlo Erba) 570131 Karl Fischer anolyte solution for cells with and without diagrams RS – ERBAqua
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol HYDRA-POINT™ (J.T. Baker, Avantor) 6285 HYDRA-POINT™ Coulometric Vessel Solution, For Diaphragmless Cell, Chloroform-Free
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol VWR 85470 Coulometry Reagent AG
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol VWR 85474 Coulometry Reagent AD
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol ROTI®Hydroquant (Carl Roth) 9854 Karl Fischer ROTI®Hydroquant coulo AG
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol Aquagent® (Scharlau/Scharlab) AQ0039 Aquagent® Coulometric AD
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol Aquagent® (Scharlau/Scharlab) AQ0058 Aquagent® Coulometric AG
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol AQUAMICRON® (Mitsubishi) FLS AQUAMICRON® FLS
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol Aqualine™ (Fisher Chemical) K/2515 Aqualine™ Electrolyte AD-G
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol Aqualine™ (Fisher Chemical) K/2520 Aqualine™ Electrolyte AG (AL2520)
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol Hi-Dry® KF (Romil) K3029 Karl Fischer electrolyte AR Hi-Dry® KF
Coulometric reagents Anolyte based on methanol Hi-Dry® KF (Romil) K3035 Karl Fischer electrolyte A Hi-Dry® KF
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