KF Reagents Database

KF Reagents Database

Please note!

Same type reagents from different brands are not copies! They are NOT the same. If you would like to know the differencies between them, watch my training “KF Reagents: Cross-References“.

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Reagents group Reagent type Reagent brand Reagent number and name
Coulometric reagents Methanol-free catholyte for ketones VWR 85479 Coulometry Reagent CG-K
Coulometric reagents Methanol-free catholyte for ketones Aquagent® (Scharlau/Scharlab) AQ0013 Aquagent® Coulometric CG-K
Coulometric reagents Methanol-free catholyte for ketones Hi-Dry® KF (Romil) K3179 Karl Fischer electrolyte CK Hi-Dry® KF
Coulometric reagents Methanol-free catholyte for ketones Aquastar® (Merck/MilliporeSigma) 188063 Aquastar® Catholyte K
Volumetric two-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes Watermark® (GFS Chemicals) 1609 WATERMARK® KARL FISCHER SOLVENT, METHANOL FREE
Volumetric two-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes WaveTrace™ (Quveon) 43503 WaveTrace™ Solvent KT
Volumetric two-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes Watermark® (GFS Chemicals) 5322 WATERMARK® KARL FISCHER SOLVENT, for ALDEHYDES AND KETONES
Volumetric two-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes ERBAqua® (Carlo Erba) 570091 Karl Fischer solvent 2 component for aldehydes and ketones – Methanol free RS – ERBAqua
Volumetric two-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes HydroSpec™ (Ricca Chemical Company) RK340000 HydroSpec™ Solvent K
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, with chloroform HYDROQUANT® (Biosolve) 086748 HYDROQUANT®Unisolvent K
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, with chloroform HYDROQUANT® (Biosolve) 087948 HYDROQUANT®Working Medium K
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, with chloroform AQUAMETRIC® (Panreac AppliChem) 285821 AQUAMETRIC® Working Medium
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, with chloroform HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) 34698 HYDRANAL™-Medium K
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, with chloroform HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) 34817 HYDRANAL™-Working Medium K
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, with chloroform ROTI®Hydroquant (Carl Roth) 5215 Karl Fischer ROTI®Hydroquant Working Medium K
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, with chloroform ERBAqua® (Carlo Erba) 570041 Karl Fischer solvent for aldehydes and ketones one component RS – ERBAqua
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, with chloroform VWR 85464 Solvent K
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, with chloroform VWR 85499 CombiNORM Working Medium K
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, with chloroform Aquagent® (Scharlau/Scharlab) AQ0005 Aquagent® Medium K
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, with chloroform Aqualine™ (Fisher Chemical) K/2300R Aqualine™ Matrix K (AL2300R)
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, with chloroform Hi-Dry® KF (Romil) K5246 Karl Fischer solvent VK Hi-Dry® KF
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, with chloroform Hi-Dry® KF (Romil) K5257 Karl Fischer solvent VKM Hi-Dry® KF
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, without chloroform HYDROQUANT® (Biosolve) 091748 HYDROQUANT®Ketosolver
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, without chloroform KEMAQUA (KEM) 120502507 KEMAQUA Solvent KET
Volumetric one-component reagents Methanol-free medium for ketones and aldehydes, without chloroform HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) 34738 HYDRANAL™-KetoSolver
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