Where to buy KF reagents
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Government Scientific Source
12355 Sunrise Valley Dr. Suite 400
Reston, VA 20191
United States
Phone: 800-248-8030
Brands of KF reagents: Aquastar® (Merck/MilliporeSigma), HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell), HYDRA-POINT™ (J.T. Baker, Avantor), HydroSpec™ (Ricca Chemical Company), Watermark® (GFS Chemicals)
Selling to: United States
12355 Sunrise Valley Dr. Suite 400
Reston, VA 20191
United States
Phone: 800-248-8030
Brands of KF reagents: Aquastar® (Merck/MilliporeSigma), HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell), HYDRA-POINT™ (J.T. Baker, Avantor), HydroSpec™ (Ricca Chemical Company), Watermark® (GFS Chemicals)
Selling to: United States