KF Reagents Database
Please note!
Same type reagents from different brands are not copies! They are NOT the same. If you would like to know the differencies between them, watch my training “KF Reagents: Cross-References“.
Reagents group | Reagent type | Reagent brand | Reagent number and name |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium | WaveTrace™ (Quveon) | 21114 WaveTrace™ Solvent |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium | AQUAMETRIC® (Panreac AppliChem) | 285817 AQUAMETRIC® Solvent |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium | HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) | 34431 HYDRANAL™ NEXTGEN Solvent E-FI |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium | HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) | 34432 HYDRANAL™ NEXTGEN Solvent FI |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium | HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) | 34730 HYDRANAL™-Solvent E |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium | HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) | 34800 HYDRANAL™-Solvent |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium | ERBAqua® (Carlo Erba) | 570071 Karl Fischer solvent 2 component RS – ERBAqua |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium | VWR | 85453 Solvent |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium | HYDRA-POINT™ (J.T. Baker, Avantor) | 8855 HYDRA-POINT™ Solvent G |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium | Aquagent® (Scharlau/Scharlab) | AQ0029 Aquagent® Solvent |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium | Aqualine™ (Fisher Chemical) | K/2100 Aqualine™ Solvent (AL2100) |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium | Hi-Dry® KF (Romil) | K6200 Karl Fischer solvent VS Hi-Dry® KF |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium | HydroSpec™ (Ricca Chemical Company) | RK350000 HydroSpec™ Solvent |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium | ROTI®Hydroquant (Carl Roth) | T192 Karl Fischer ROTI®Hydroquant S |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium | Aquastar® (Merck/MilliporeSigma) | 188015 Aquastar® Solvent |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium for non-polar samples with chloroform | HYDROQUANT® (Biosolve) | 091948 HYDROQUANT®Solvent Oil MC |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium for non-polar samples with chloroform | WaveTrace™ (Quveon) | 20275 WaveTrace™ Solvent C |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium for non-polar samples with chloroform | AQUAMETRIC® (Panreac AppliChem) | 285819 AQUAMETRIC® Solvent CM |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium for non-polar samples with chloroform | Watermark® (GFS Chemicals) | 2991 WATERMARK® KARL FISCHER SOLVENT FOR OILS, for TWO-COMPONENT SYSTEM |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium for non-polar samples with chloroform | HYDRANAL™ (Honeywell) | 34812 HYDRANAL™-Solvent CM |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium for non-polar samples with chloroform | ROTI®Hydroquant (Carl Roth) | 5218 Karl Fischer ROTI®Hydroquant S CM |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium for non-polar samples with chloroform | ERBAqua® (Carlo Erba) | 570101 Karl Fischer solvent for oils 2 component RS – ERBAqua |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium for non-polar samples with chloroform | VWR | 85461 Solvent CM |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium for non-polar samples with chloroform | Aquagent® (Scharlau/Scharlab) | AQ0008 Aquagent® Solvent CM |
Volumetric two-component reagents | Medium for non-polar samples with chloroform | Aqualine™ (Fisher Chemical) | K/2110 Aqualine™ Solvent CM (AL2110) |