KFT Training for Sales Teams

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Who should take this training:

  • All sales persons selling or willing to sell reagents and other products for Karl Fischer titration
  • Sales and Customer Service managers
  • Offering managers

What is included:

  • Unlimited access to approx. 1-hour training recording
  • Training materials: presentation slides and KF reagent pairing tables
  • Support through email
  • Certificate of Completion


Learn how to sell reagents and other products for Karl Fischer titration! This approx. 1-hour training covers everything you need to know to understand customer needs and properly prepare KFT offering. The price also includes my support for this training, so if something is not clear to you, you can ask me directly for more explanation. At the end of the training, you will receive a Certificate of Completion (in pdf) with your name and date of completion.

Watch the video with the introduction to the KFT training for sales teams (under sample lesson) to see all the details and training rules.

Looking for custom services? Fill out the contact form if you are interested in individual training, KFT offer analysis or KFT customer gap analysis.

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